• SA History Network News

SA 175 Events

April 28, 2011

A host of community organisations are holding events over the next few months to acknowledge the 175th anniversary of the foundation of the Province of South Australia. SA 175 events are listed on the calendar of events on this site. Events listed so far include a performance about writer CJ Dennis, lectures on South Australian history […]

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‘Ahov’ (Hello) from Hindmarsh

April 28, 2011

I have always been fascinated by traditional festivals from around the world so it was a great pleasure to visit the Ukrainian Museum’s Easter Bazaar a few weekends ago in the backstreets of Hindmarsh. The museum was a hive of activity when I arrived at what appeared to be Kiev Central that Sunday morning. Amidst Ukrainian chatter, women […]

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It’s About Time to discover South Australia’s history

April 27, 2011

In 2011 SA History Week has become About Time: South Australia’s History Festival. Over 500 events will be presented across the state from 1 to 31 May, organised by over 300 community museums, history groups, cultural groups, local councils, collecting institutions, businesses, churches and individuals. The move to a month-long festival format reflects the ongoing […]

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A visit to the South Australian Police Museum

March 9, 2011

I recently visited the South Australian Police Historical Society Museum (SAPOL Museum), which has premises within the police barracks complex at Thebarton. Tram tracks built since I last visited the museum two or three years ago stopped me turning right into Gaol Road, so I took a bit of a detour around some parklands on […]

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A visit to the South Australian Police Museum

March 9, 2011

I recently visited the South Australian Police Historical Society Museum (SAPOL Museum), which has premises within the police barracks complex at Thebarton. Tram tracks built since I last visited the museum two or three years ago stopped me turning right into Gaol Road, so I took a bit of a detour around some parklands on […]

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Visited Dublin today

March 9, 2011

I spent some time with members of the Dublin History group and the Mallala Museum today. Dublin History Group is about to get the lease on the local Institute building and we met to have a chat about using the building as a combined research/collection storage/small display space. Great to see a small group taking on […]

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