• Clarendon Museum

    This former mid-19th century church is a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register and now houses this Adelaide Hills’ community’s museum.

The Clarendon Historic Hall which now houses the Clarendon community’s museum has been home to the Clarendon Council, the RSL and the Country Women’s Association. However it was built as a church in 1854, being the home of worship for the Bible Christian Community until the Methodist Union in 1899-1900 before being sold to the Clarendon District Council and used as Council chambers.

The former church is a simple building constructed of line-pointed sandstone rubble with large shaped stones to quoins and pointed arch windows. The building retains its original fine slate roof cladding.

The hall has been recognised as a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register and members of the Clarendon Community Association have been developing the museum within the building. Clarendon is a small rural township in the Adelaide Hills which was established in 1846.

Last Sunday of the month 1-4pm

Email: history@clarendon.org.au
Address: PO Box 57 Clarendon, SA 5157

Clarendon Museum

This former mid-19th century church is a State Heritage Place in the SA Heritage Register and now houses this Adelaide Hills’ community’s museum.