• Port Lincoln RSL Museum

    Arranged on the walls and in cabinets, there is a large collection of artefacts, pictures and photographs relating to servicemen and women veterans of several conflicts including Boer War, WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam displayed throughout the clubrooms.

The current Port Lincoln RSL sub branch club rooms were built and opened in 1953. The memorabilia from various conflicts in which Australian service men and women have been involved, have been donated by members and visitors and are displayed in three main areas of the clubrooms – the foyer, the main room by the bar and in the pool room.

The collection includes uniforms, medals, photographs, documents, flags, guns and other military equipment as well as a number of items ‘souvenired’ by military personnel such as rock from Gallipoli and pieces from the POW built Burma railway. There are also various local Honor Rolls displayed in the foyer and items relating to the history of the RSL sub branch in Port Lincoln.

There are more photos from the museum here

Port Lincoln RSL Museum

Arranged on the walls and in cabinets, there is a large collection of artefacts, pictures and photographs relating to servicemen and women veterans of several conflicts including Boer War, WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam displayed throughout the clubrooms.
