• Robe Branch of the National Trust of South Australia

    We welcome people interested in the history of the Robe area, and particularly welcome those who may wish to volunteer in any of our activities.

The Robe Branch of the National Trust of South Australia was formed in 1980. We care for heritage items and buildings related to Robe. This includes the State Heritage listed Robe Old Police Stables, and the CSIR Field Station owned by the National Trust of South Australia.

We also operate the Robe Customs House Maritime Museum https://explore.history.sa.gov.au/organisation/robe-customs-house-museum/

Activities include researching local history, and using our research to run school programs, heritage walking tours and providing guides for heritage bus tours.

We are also involved in partnering with other organisations in relevant projects, including with the Australian National Maritime Museum and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

This includes a project focusing on the history of the Meintangk and Bungaditj Peoples of our area.

Opening days and hours: Contact Branch Secretary


Valerie Monaghan
Branch Secretary
Phone: 8768 2755
Email: vamonaghan@bigpond.com
Postal address: PO Box 324, Robe. SA 5276

Robe Branch of the National Trust of South Australia

We welcome people interested in the history of the Robe area, and particularly welcome those who may wish to volunteer in any of our activities.