• Victoriana Society of South Australia

    The Victoriana Society of South Australia promotes and encourages interest in the history of the "Victorian Era", with emphasis on preservation, research and re-enactments.

Founded in 1983, this society is a group of people who have a strong interest in aspects of life in Victorian (1837-1901) and Edwardian (1901-1910) eras.  Through regular meetings, special interest group gatherings and participation in historically themed events, members play a part in helping to preserve and recreate Victorian and Edwardian culture, science, fashion and times.

Our aim is to encourage an interest in the history of the Victorian and Edwardian eras, with an emphasis on education, authentic recreation and preservation and care of original artefacts that date from these times.

Members have wide and diverse interests in these times, covering areas including: Costume and Dress, Music and Games, Jewellery, Scientific Achievements, Sociology and General History, Militaria, Business, Arts and Crafts and Culinary Endeavours.

General meetings take place on the second Monday of each month, except for December and January. We meet at historic Partridge House, Partridge Street, Glenelg, for an 8 pm start. Each general meeting starts with Society business and reports, then continues with a member or guest presentation on an aspect of Victorian life and times. General meetings usually conclude by 9:30 pm and are followed by a light supper, affording ample opportunity for discussion.

Victoriana Society of South Australia

The Victoriana Society of South Australia promotes and encourages interest in the history of the "Victorian Era", with emphasis on preservation, research and re-enactments.